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  • 【しおどめ保育園越谷】 | 埼玉県の福祉サービス第三者評価を受審

    Shiodome Nursery Koshigaya Saitama Prefecture's "Third Party Evaluation of Welfare Services" I received What is third-party evaluation? A fair and neutral third-party organization other than the parties (operators and users) evaluates the quality of the services provided by social welfare service providers from a professional and objective standpoint using Saitama Prefecture's evaluation standards. Thing. This time, Shiodome nursery school Koshigaya received a third-party evaluation. what kinds of effects are there? Points that need to be improved in terms of the quality of childcare they provide become clear. It is possible to set specific goals for efforts to improve the quality of childcare. In the process of receiving a third-party evaluation, we aim to gain the trust of users by sharing various issues, fostering employee awareness, motivation for improvement, and sharing various issues. Click here for the contents of the evaluation Overview of evaluation results Details of evaluation results ■ Welfare service third-party evaluation questionnaire results by users The illustration is Saitama Prefecture's mascot "Kobaton". Shiodome Nursery School Koshigaya will continue to work together with parents and the local community to actively improve quality and strive to further improve quality. ​ ​ Shiba Gakuen Shiodome Nursery School Koshigaya Shiodome Nursery Koshigaya

  • しおどめ保育園京急蒲田駅前FAQ

    Q1. Can we schedule a tour of the nursery school? Yes. Tours are available from 10:00 and 15:30 on weekdays on an appointment basis. Please contact us by phone if you would like a different time slot. Q3. Is there an orientation session for enrollment? There is no orientation session. Please schedule a visit before submitting an enrollment application. Q4. What are the steps after the application is accepted? Please come to pick up the necessary documents. We will conduct an individual interview at a later date. During the interview, we will ask you about your child's health and living conditions based on the child's card you filled out in advance. In addition, we will consult about childcare hours and adaptive childcare. Q5. How are childcare hours determined? We will decide the hours based on the working hours and commuting time of the person picking up and dropping off your child (work certificate is required) . In case you will be late on a particular day due to a meeting, etc., please contact the nursery school in advance and we will accommodate you. Q6. What should we prepare and do before my child enrolls in nursery school? For enrollment of 1-year-old child: Please let the child get used to drinking from a cup, try a variety of ingredients, and wean the child so that he or she can eat the equivalent of a complete meal. Q7. Are there any other fees besides the nursery fee, such as fees for learning materials? No, we do not charge for learning materials. Q8. Please tell us about your extended nursery services. We offer monthly extended nursery service as well as extended nursery on a spot basis. As a rule, extended nursery fees are charged from 6:31pm. Extended nursery service is only available when you are unable to pick up your child by the scheduled time due to work. For details, please contact the nursery school. Q9. Do you use a communication tool to be shared between nursery school and parents? We keep you connected and updated all day through the ( [Codmon] app. The app also allows you to get monthly letters and notices. We also respond individually to any concerns you may have. Q10. Is there a uniform? There is no uniform, school cap or school bag. Please dress your child in clothes that are comfortable for activities according to the season and physical condition. Q11. When is the school closed? The nursery school is closed on Sundays, national holidays, and during the year-end and New Year holidays (December 29 - January 3). Q12. Is there a swimming pool? No, we do not have a swimming pool. We play in the water on the balcony only during the summer months. On hot days, we may have the children take a shower if they are sweating. Q13. Is there a parking lot or bicycle parking available? There is no parking lot or bicycle parking. Please do not drive to and from the nursery school. If you are using a bicycle, please use a nearby bicycle parking lot. If you wish to park temporarily under the stairs of the school, please do so for a short period of time and do not block other people's way to and from the school. Q14. Do you take children out for walks? Yes. We try to go for walks around the school as much as possible on sunny days. Q15. How do you handle futons? We lend out futons from the school. We ask that you bring your own bed-wetting sheets and covers from home. Please bring the sheets and coverings home over the weekend, wash them, and bring them back the following week. The staff will take the sheets on and off. Q16. What about school lunch? Are there days when we have to pack a lunch for my child? We provide a complete school lunch program. Parents will be expected to bring lunch for their children once a year on the day of the school walking trip. The school trip is scheduled around October and November each year. Q17. How do you accommodate children's allergies? We will provide elimination and alternative meals based on the doctor's diagnosis and guideline for lifestyle management sheet. Q18. What is the guideline for notification of pick-up when my child is sick? Regardless of fever, we will let you know if your child has diarrhea or vomiting, or if he or she is lethargic or otherwise acting differently than usual. For fever, we ask you to pick up your child as soon as possible if the actual temperature is 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher. (Children will be allowed to come to the nursery school 24 hours after the fever has broken.) Q19. What about gradual entry? Do you offer a half-day childcare service, allowing my child to adjust to a new environment? Or do you provide accustomed childcare services for parents who have to leave their children for short periods of time due to work schedule? Yes. The gradual entry period is generally one week from the first day of enrollment. We will gradually extend the hours of the program from 9:00 to 11:00 on the first and second days, and from 9:00 to 12:00 on the second and third days. This is an important period for children to adjust to an unfamiliar environment without difficulty. We will discuss this with the parents individually, taking into consideration the condition of each child. Please ask for the understanding of your employer and we hope for your cooperation during this period. Q20. Are there any parent-teacher meetings? No. We currently do not have any parent-teacher meetings. Q21. Do you sell photos? We do not sell photos, but we regularly upload photos of each class on the [Codmon] app in order to let parents know what our childcare is like during the day. I also post daily updates on Instagram and Ameba Blog, so please check them out. Q22. Can grandparents or guardians drop off and pick up our child? We provide a document called a "Transportation Confirmation Card" upon enrollment. This document will be carried by the person involved in picking up and dropping off the children. If the grandparents/guardians are unable to bring the document, please contact us in advance and we will verify their identity with a photo ID. Q2. How do we submit an enrollment application? To submit an application, please contact the Child Care Service Division, Children and Family Affairs Department, Ota City.

  • 募集要項 | 柴学園

    RECRUIT 認定こども園 しおどめの森 埼玉県八潮市 募集要項 しおどめ保育園八潮駅北 埼玉県八潮市 募集要項 ふれあいしおどめ保育園 茨城県守谷市 募集要項 しおどめ保育園つくば 〒305-0813 茨城県つくば市下平塚412-1 募集要項 しおどめ保育園稲城 〒206-0822 東京都稲城市坂浜3-33-1 募集要項 ふれあいしおどめ保育園八潮 〒340-0815 埼玉県八潮市​八潮1-29-2 募集要項 しおどめ保育園小規模認可 〒340-0813 埼玉県八潮市木曽根1097-2 募集要項 しおどめ保育園京急蒲田駅前 〒144-0035 東京都大田区南蒲田1-1-17 2F 募集要項 小規模認可保育園 しおどめ保育園江戸川中央(定員19名) 〒132−0021 東京都江戸川区中央2-27-2 募集要項 しおどめ保育園春日部 〒344-0054 埼玉県春日部市​浜川戸1-12-13 募集要項 しおどめ保育園越谷 〒343-0823 埼玉県越谷市​相模町1-322-4 募集要項 しおどめ保育園八潮茜町 〒340-0826 埼玉県八潮市​茜町1-10-4 募集要項 しおどめ保育園久喜 〒340-0214 埼玉県久喜市​葛梅1-13-9 募集要項 しおどめ保育園三郷中央 〒341-0038 埼玉県三郷市​中央5-30-7 募集要項 柴学園についてもっと知る 園見学を実施しています。あなたの理想の保育ができそうか、職場環境は健康的かなど、実際に目で見てご判断できます。 園見学の申込について 心理的安全性について 園見学を ご希望の方は こちら

  • 【しおどめ保育園久喜】2021年4月オープンのピカピカの園です

    Shiba Gakuen Shiodome Nursery School Kuki 姉妹法人【社会福祉法人雄雅会】サイト SHIODOME HOIKUEN KUKI The park opened on April 1, 2021. Kuki City in April 2021 From Washinomiya Station Opened in a 7-minute walk It is a small licensed nursery school. Because the capacity is 19 people and a small number of people, A nursery teacher for each child You can be polite. We strive to provide childcare in a homely atmosphere. Aiming for quality improvement every day, tailored to each child We will provide child-centered childcare. news 2024.07.26 ​保育士のパートさんを募集しております。詳しい情報は採用情報のリンクをご覧ください。 2022.10.18 We are looking for part-time nursery teachers who can work from April 2023. ・Nurturing a rich heart and sensibility ・Childcare that guarantees a living as a child's independent activity ・Nursery that guarantees play as a child's voluntary activity ・Childcare according to each person's characteristics our thoughts ・Kind and caring children ・ A child with a strong body and mind ・ A child who can challenge with confidence Childcare policy of Shiodome nursery school Kuki Childcare Philosophy of Shiodome Nursery School Kuki Childcare goals of Shiodome Nursery School Kuki 保育理念 An entrance with a slope that is easy to drop off and pick up every day. The 1-year-old and 2-year-old nursery rooms are divided in the middle, but they are in the same room. Bright sky on the ceiling of the toilet. . . In the summer, you can also play in the water in the garden. I devised it so that children could grow up freely. Facility introduction Site plan State of the garden ▶︎ 施設紹介 Overview of the garden typology ​ Target age Capacity ​ ​ ​ ​ Opening hours Extended childcare Closed day School lunch Small childcare business type A 0 to 2 years old ​ 19 people 3 children under the age of 0 8 1-year-old children 8 2 year olds Mon-Fri 7:00-19:00 Saturday 7:30-18:30 ​ 18:01〜19:00 ​ Sundays, public holidays, year-end and New Year holidays (12/29-1/3) Complete school lunch (Monday-Saturday) 園の概要 a day in the garden *Extended care*If you want to use extended care, you need to apply for [extension]. *Saturday childcare is available from 7:30 to 18:30. 園の1日 Annual events ※image *Monthly: Birthday party, evacuation drill, body measurement * Twice a year: Dental checkup * Twice a year: medical examination 年間行事 MAP ACCESS 〒340-00214 1-13-9 Kuzuume, Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture Tobu Isesaki Line Washinomiya Station 7 minutes on foot Shiba Gakuen Shiodome Nursery School Kuki 1-13-9 Kuzuume, Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture 340-0214 List of facilities 0480-57-1222 Inquire by email Shiodome Nursery School image character I'm Dome! ​ Nice to meet you. 姉妹法人【社会福祉法人雄雅会】サイト

  • プライバシーポリシー | 柴学園

    Privacy Policy プライバシーポリシー 学校法人柴学園(以下、当法人という)は、保護者様とそのお子さまに質の高い保育サービス・活動を提供することで、生き抜く力の育成と保護者様との信頼関係を得ることを目的としています。以下のとおり個人情報保護方針を定め、個人情報保護の仕組みを構築し、全職員に個人情報保護の重要性の認識と取組みを徹底させることにより、個人情報の保護を推進致します。 ■個人情報の管理 当法人は、利用する個人情報を正確かつ最新の状態に保ち、個人情報への不正アクセス・紛失・破損・改ざん・漏洩などを防止するため、セキュリティシステムの維持・管理体制の整備・職員教育の徹底等の必要な措置を講じ、安全対策を実施し個人情報の厳重な管理を行ないます。 ■個人情報の利用目的 当法人では、保護者から文書又は口頭により提供を受けて得た個人情報又は保育業務を通して得た個人情報を、『児童福祉法』及び『保育所保育指針』が示している保育所運営の円滑な実施以外の目的で使用することはありません。監督官庁への各種届出、法律に定めるところの必要書類作成、各種募集等、情報主体の利益享受及び権利の行使に必要と認められる場合は、正当な目的に限り使用します。また、職員から提供を受けた個人情報も同様である他、給与・社会保険事務以外の目的で使用することはありません。 ■個人情報の第三者への提供の制限 当法人では、『個人情報保護法』第23条に規定されている以下の各号に該当する場合を除いて、保護者の同意を得ないで第三者に個人情報(個人データ)を提供することはありません。 ① 法令に基づく場合 ② 人の生命、又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難な場合 ③ 公衆衛生の向上又は園児の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要である場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難な場合 ④ 国の機関もしくは地用公共団体又は委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合 ■職員への周知及び個人情報管理体制の継続的改善 当法人は、本「個人情報保護の方針」を実行するため、『個人情報保護法』をはじめとした関係法令、当法人の『個人情報管理規程』や業務に関わる諸規則等について、職場内研修・機会教育を通じて全職員に周知徹底させて実行し、かつ、継続的に管理体制を改善することによって常に最良の状態を維持します。遵守 ■法令、規範尊守と見直し 当法人は、保有する個人情報に関して適用される日本の法令、その他規範を遵守するとともに、本ポリシーの内容を適宜見直し、その改善に努めます。 免責事項について 当法人は、当ホームページに細心の注意を払って情報を掲載しております。しかしながら、ホームページ上の情報には、技術的・時間的に不正確な記述や誤植が含まれる可能性があります。当法人は、当ホームページで提供する情報、プログラム、各種サービス、その他ホームページに関するすべての事項について、その完全性、正確性、最新性、有用性、目的への適合性につき、いかなる保証もいたしません。また、当法人は、当ホームページの利用に起因するソフトウェア、ハードウェア上の事故、利用者間または利用者と第三者との間において生じたトラブル、その他の事故等による全ての損害につきまして、一切責任を負いません。当サイトからリンクやバナーなどによって他のサイトに移動された場合、移動先サイトで提供される情報、サービス等について一切の責任を負いません。 ■ホームページの変更、中止について 当法人は、お客様に事前に通知することなく、当ホームページの内容および各ページのアドレス(URL)の変更や、ホームページの運営を中止することがございますので、予めご了承ください。 ■メールについて お問い合わせフォームでお問い合わせいただいたお客様に回答するため、当法人よりお客様宛てに返信メールをお送りさせていただくことがあります。また、電話や書面などで回答することもございます。ただし、お問い合わせいただいた内容によっては、回答までに時間を要する場合や、回答ができない場合もございますので、予めご了承ください。 ■著作権について 本ウェブサイトに掲載されている全てのコンテンツ(情報、画像、グラフィック、ロゴ等)は、当法人に著作権が帰属しています。当ホームページ上のコンテンツ(情報、画像、グラフィック、ロゴ等)の利用につきましては、お客様個人の私的目的等、著作権法で認められている範囲内での利用に限らせていただきます。他のホームページや印刷物に転用することはお控えください。 ■準拠法について 本規約および当ホームページに関する紛争を含む一切の事項は、日本法を準拠法とします。

  • 久喜市調理員求人 | しおどめ保育園久喜

    Shiodome Nursery School Kuki Application Requirements Nursery teacher (part-time) 毎週土曜日勤務ができる方 デコレーション等が好きな方を探しています! Kindergarten teacher Employment form Part-time Required qualifications If you have a nursery teacher qualification No age or experience required Job Description Childcare at a licensed nursery school Salary Hourly wage 1,150 yen ~ (There is an additional treatment improvement depending on experience) 4 months trial period (no change in conditions) Transportation expensesCommuting allowance up to 45,000 yen per month ​ Car commuting allowed Working hours between 7:00 and 19:00 5 hours or more ​ Welcome to shift 3 days a week~ Can work fixed hours Work hours and days of the week are negotiable Rest (as required by law) Monthly variable working hours system Sundays and public holidays Paid vacation (according to law) Summer vacation available Year-end and New Year holidays (12/29-1/3) 2 days off per week Participation insurance Participation in social insurance depending on the time and number of days (private school mutual aid, employment insurance, worker's compensation insurance) ​ ​ 保育士パート 1-13-9 Kuzuume, Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture 340-0214 Shiodome Nursery School Kuki Recruitment manager: Hayashi phone 0480-57-1222 Inquire by email return

  • 八潮市保育士求人 | ふれあいしおどめ保育園八潮

    Fureai Shiodome Nursery School Yashio Application Requirements Nursery teacher (part-time) Cook/Cooking staff (part-time) Nursery teacher (part-time) Kindergarten teacher Employment form Part-time Required qualifications If you have a nursery teacher qualification No age or experience required Job Description Childcare at a licensed nursery school Salary Hourly wage 1,150 yen ~ (There is an additional treatment improvement depending on experience) 4 months trial period (no change in conditions) Transportation expensesCommuting allowance up to 45,000 yen per month Working hours between 7:30 and 19:30 Working hours negotiable Rest (as required by law) Monthly variable working hours system Sundays and public holidays Paid vacation (according to law) Summer vacation available Year-end and New Year holidays (12/29-1/3) Participation insurance Participation in social insurance depending on the time and number of days (private school mutual aid, employment insurance, worker's compensation insurance) ​ ​ 保育士パート Chef/Cooking staff (part-time) Recruitment type Chef/Cooking staff Employment form Part-time Required qualifications No qualifications, age or experience Those who have a chef license are welcome ​ Job Description General cooking duties Hourly wage ¥960~ (There is a pay raise depending on work performance) 4 months trial period (no change in conditions) Transportation expensesCommuting allowance up to 45,000 yen per month Working hours between 7:30 and 19:30 Working hours negotiable 60 minute break (according to law) no overtime Sundays and public holidays Paid vacation (according to law) Summer vacation available Year-end and New Year holidays (12/29-1/3) Participation insurance Participation in social insurance depending on the time and number of days (private school mutual aid, employment insurance, worker's compensation insurance) ​ ​ Chef/Cooking staff (part-time) Recruitment type Chef/Cooking staff Employment form Part-time Required qualifications No qualifications, age or experience Those who have a chef license are welcome ​ Job Description General cooking duties Hourly wage ¥960~ (There is a pay raise depending on work performance) 4 months trial period (no change in conditions) Transportation expensesCommuting allowance up to 45,000 yen per month Working hours between 7:30 and 19:30 Working hours negotiable 60 minute break (according to law) no overtime Sundays and public holidays Paid vacation (according to law) Summer vacation available Year-end and New Year holidays (12/29-1/3) Participation insurance Participation in social insurance depending on the time and number of days (private school mutual aid, employment insurance, worker's compensation insurance) ​ ​ 調理スタッフ Inquiry form 職種を選択ください 保育士 管理栄養士/栄養士 調理士/調理スタッフ name Furigana email address Please enter your message Send Thank you for sending 1-29-2 Yashio, Yashio City, Saitama Prefecture 340-0815 Fureai Shiodome Nursery School Yashio phone 048-995-2800 return

  • 【ふれあいしおどめ保育園八潮】新規オープンしました!

    姉妹法人【社会福祉法人雄雅会】サイト Fureai Shiodome Nursery School Yashio News 2022.10.01 園見学受け付けています。詳しくは直接園まで問い合わせ下さい、 2022.06.22 Established a community exchange office. It can be used freely as a place of contact that connects the community, children and kindergarten. 採用情報 詳しくはこちら Equipment outline Location: 1-29-2 Yashio, Yashio City, Saitama Prefecture Facility name Fureai Odome nursery school Yashio Opening day April 1, 2022 Opening hours Mon-Fri 7:30-19:30 Saturday 7:30-18:30 Closed Sundays, national holidays, Year-end and New Year holidays (December 29-January 3) Capacity 57 people 14 employees + 4 part-time employees Full lunch (Monday-Saturday) Capacity 0 years old 3 people 1 year old 6 people 12 2 year olds 12 3-year-old children 12 4-year-old children 12 5 year olds total total 57 people Facility floor plan (Completion rendering) Facility floor plan 1F (0-2 years old) 2F (3-5 years old) It is based on the drawing and may differ from the actual product. Inside the facility a day in the garden (example) By sharing information between the home and kindergarten, we will respond according to the physical condition and situation of the child. Create a childcare environment where each child can challenge what they want to do on their own, By spending time at different ages, it encourages each child's proficiency, We plan activities individually and in groups. RECRUIT 採用情報 私たちと一緒に働きませんか? 詳しくはこちら MAP ACCESS Planned opening site 1-29-2 Yashio, Yashio City, Saitama Prefecture 340-0815 10 minutes walk from Tsukuba Express Yashio Station Fureai Shiodome Nursery School Yashio 1-29-2 Yashio, Yashio City, Saitama Prefecture 340-0815 phone 048-995-2800 Regarding application for admission of children and childcare fees, Please see the Yashio City website. Yashio City Childcare Welfare Department Childcare Division Childcare Section Return to facility list 姉妹法人【社会福祉法人雄雅会】サイト

  • 【しおどめ保育園稲城】 | 楽しさいっぱいピカピカの保育園!

    Shiodome Nursery School Inagi Facility introduction Overview of the garden a day in the garden Annual events temporary storage Child care support access Shiodome nursery school Inagi Inagi is located in the northeastern part of the Tama Hills. On the site that makes use of the undulating hills So that children can play freely It has a well-equipped garden with playground equipment. 150 children from 0 to 5 years old Children's autonomy in a quiet environment We are working on childcare that nurtures ​943 Sakahama, Inagi City, Tokyo SHIODOME-HOIKUEN-INAGI お知らせ NEWS 2024.09.20 10月の「なかよしひろば」は9/25から予約受付となります。 2024.09.20 園庭開放は、10/10(木)、17(木)、22(火)はお休みです。 2024.04.22 「東京都福祉サービス第三者評価」を受けました。 our thoughts Childcare philosophy ◎Accept and support children as they are ◎Efforts will be made to create an environment in which the entire community can raise children, while supporting child-rearing by parents and local communities. childcare policy ◎ Respect each child, accept each child as an individual, make the best use of the child's strengths, and stay close to the child so that they can demonstrate their uniqueness. ◎We will create an environment where children are loved by many adults who surround them, where their dignity as human beings is protected in a warm, homely atmosphere, and where they can actively engage in activities. ◎ As a nursery school that grows together with local people, we will provide necessary child-rearing information and work together to create an environment where the entire community can raise children. childcare goals ◎ A child who loves to move his body and is full of smiles ◎ Children who can enjoy various activities ◎Kind and caring children ◎ Children who like to eat 施設紹介 Facility introduction The garden has two artificial hills, and is equipped with design playground equipment and a sandbox. For recitals, etc., there is also a "Yugi Hall" that can accommodate all children and has a stage. Furthermore, on the 2nd floor, there is also a rooftop garden that can be accessed directly from the 0-2 year old nursery room. This is an artificial turf on top of cushioning rubber chips. You can run and play wherever you want. 2nd floor (childcare room for 0-2 year olds, toilets, rooftop garden, etc.) 1st floor (entrance, office, kitchen, nursery room for children aged 3 to 5, play hall, etc.) State of the garden ▶︎ Overview of the garden typology ​ Target age Capacity ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Opening hours Extended childcare Closed day School lunch Licensed nursery school 0 year old (57th day after birth) to preschool 150 people 0 years old 15 people 20 1-year-old children 25 2 year olds 30 children aged 3 30 4-year-old children 5 years old 30 people Mon-Sat 7:00-19:00 ​ 18:01〜19:00 ​ Sundays, public holidays, year-end and New Year holidays (12/29-1/3) Complete school lunch (Monday-Saturday) 園の概要 a day in the garden *Times and content are approximate. * Sleep for 0-year-old children will be handled individually according to each child. 園の1日 Annual events ※The photograph is an image. ♪Children aged 3 to 5 only Events in which parents participate ☆Events in which eligible parents participate Things to do every month ○Body measurement ○Medical examination for 0-year-old child ○Evacuation drill ○Birthday party Regular check-up ○Medical checkup (every month for 0-year-olds) ○Medical checkup (twice a year for 1-5 year-olds) ○Dental checkup (once a year) 年間行事 Temporary custody business Please use the temporary storage. *Pre-registration and interview are required. Shiodome nursery school Inagi provides temporary custody services. (for preschool children) We will support childcare at home by implementing temporary care projects such as employment support for at-home childcare families and ensuring refreshment time for guardians. In addition, we strive to create an environment where children can feel safe in an unfamiliar environment. Available time 8:30-17:00 Capacity 6 people (1 year old to pre-school children) Usage fee (according to city guidelines) 一時預かり事業 Regional child care support project At Shiodome Nursery School Inagi, we value interaction with everyone in the community, such as opening the garden to the public and raising children. ●Child care open space business Introduce stories and play of childcare workers, nurses, and nutritionists for local parents and children. ●Nursery school experience (reservation required) *For preschool children Parents and children experience life in a nursery school together in a class of the same age as your child. ◎ 9:45-12:00 ◎ Closed in March, April and August ◎The schedule may be changed due to the epidemic of infectious diseases. Open garden *For preschool children The garden is open every day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays). 9:30-11:30 ●Child care consultation I am available for consultation at any time. ●Exchange with the elderly Children aged 3, 4, and 5 visit the facility and interact with the users. ​ see more 子育て支援事業 schedule Various documents download Registration for kindergarten (for parents) Registration for kindergarten (for doctors) Documents necessary for using the nursery school can be downloaded from the website in addition to being handed out at the nursery school. Please fill in the necessary information and submit it by the following method. ● Print it out and bring it directly to the nursery school ​ ● Attach data to e-mail 届け出ダウンロード ACCESS 943 Sakahama, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-0822 Keio Sagamihara Line Inagi Station 27 minutes on foot / Wakabadai Station 19 minutes on foot We will introduce the route from Wakabadai Station to the kindergarten building in the video! アクセス Shiba Gakuen 943 Sakahama, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-0822 Shiodome nursery school Inagi 042-331-1888 Inquiries by email List of facilities 姉妹法人【社会福祉法人雄雅会】サイト

  • しおどめ保育園八潮茜町 | 柴学園

    学校法人柴学園 園の概要 園のようす 園のでの一日 年間行事予定 姉妹法人【社会福祉法人雄雅会】サイト しおどめ保育園八潮茜町のページへようこそ。 私たちは八潮市駅のそばで、 ​ウキウキワクワクするような 定員18名の小規模認可保育園です。 2024.08.05 新卒の方の園見学受け付けています。詳しくは直接園まで問い合わせ下さい、 2023/10/17 10/21(土)にフレスポ八潮マツキヨさん前でハロウィン風の縁日やります!入園を考えてる親子のみなさんや求職者のみなさんも遊びに来てね! わたしたちの想い すべての子どもには、無限の可能性があります。 私たちはそれを引き出し自ら伸びる力を育みます。 私たちは、子育てに頑張る保護者の方に 寄り添い支援していきます。 自分で 考える子ども 思いやりの ある子ども 明るく のびのびした 子ども 園の概要 施設名 しおどめ保育園 八潮茜町 類型 小規模保育事業A型(認可) 所在地 〒340-0826埼玉県八潮市茜町1-10-4 定員 18名(0歳=6名 1歳=6名 2歳=6名) 対象年齢 0歳児~2歳児 開園時間 平日 7:00~19:00 土曜 7:30~18:30 休園日 日・祝日・年末年始(12/29~1/3) がいよう 園のようす ようす 園での一日 いちにち 年間行事予定 ぎょうじ アクセス 埼玉県八潮市茜町1-10-4 あくせす といあわせ お問い合わせ by email inquiry Mail phone 048-987-7070 しおどめ保育園八潮茜町 〒340-0826埼玉県八潮市茜町1-10-4 学校法人柴学園

  • MH保育士 | 柴学園

    INTERVIEW 02 子どもとの一瞬を 大切にしたい Y.T保育士 2022年入職 淑徳大学卒 しおどめ保育園春日部所属 2歳児担当 柴学園を選んだ理由を教えてください。 就職先を悩んでいた時に、実際に柴学園で働いている先輩の話を聞いたことがきっかけです。先輩の話を聞いて柴学園の保育にとても興味を持ち園見学に行くことにしました。見学に行った際に“豊かな心と感性を育てる”という保育理念の話を聞き、私が理想とする保育の形と合っていてこのような園で働きたいと思い決めました。 ​ ​ 仕事のやりがいや嬉しかったことはなんですか? 失敗しても良いので、様々な経験をするようにしています。学生の頃は子ども達が失敗して悲しい思いをしないように準備をすることが大切だと思っていました。しかし、失敗して悔しい思いをして次はどうしたら良いかを考える機会を作り解決する力を育てることも大事なことだと気づきました。子ども達が様々な経験をしてほしいと思っているので、子ども達の「○○したい」は出来るだけ叶えられるようにしています。 ​ ​ ​ 柴学園の雰囲気を教えてください。 入職後は1歳児クラスの担当になりました。1歳児は成長がめまぐるしいので毎日驚きの連続で飽きることがありません。成長スピードが速い分、大変でくじけそうになる時もあります。でも周りにお手本となる先輩がいるので「そうなりたい」と頑張れます。先輩たちは心から楽しそうに保育をしています。怒ってしまいそうな時にすら穏やかに笑いへと変えてしまいます。私もこんなふうになれたらなと憧れます。自分も楽しく保育ができるようになりたいです。 ​ 保育士をしてよかったことを教えてください。 子どもたちから元気を貰えることです。一般的かもしれませんが、これが一番大きいと思います。大人になると誰かから真っ直ぐな『大好き!』という気持ちが伝えられる機会はあまり無いと思うのですが、園では毎日子どもたちから『大好き!』という気持ちを受け取ります。また、子どもの成長に立ち会うことができるのもこの仕事ならではのものだと思っています。「歩けるようになる」「食べられるようになる」など、何かが『できた』瞬間に自分が立ち会うことができた時は物凄く嬉しいです。 ​ ​ リフレッシュ方法を教えてください。 プライベートでは、友達と会い一緒に食事したり買い物をしたり、話すことは大切な時間だと思っています。 OFF TIME 「とにかく食べることが大好きなんです!」と笑う。この日は新大久保の韓国料理店を友人と訪ねた。韓国で大人気のチーズダッカルビを前にご満悦の表情を見せる。

  • 施設のご紹介 | 柴学園

    施設のご紹介 柴学園は東京、埼玉、茨城で保育園・こども園を運営しております。 認定こども園 しおどめの森(定員178名) 〒340-0813 埼玉県八潮市木曽根1063 TEL:048-996-3268 認可保育園 しおどめ保育園八潮駅北 (定員70名) 〒340-0813 埼玉県八潮市木曽根438-1 TEL:048-995-2600 認可保育園 ふれあいしおどめ保育園(定員90名) 〒302-0109 茨城県守谷市本町741-17 TEL:,297-45-2111 認可保育園 しおどめ保育園つくば(定員90名) 〒305-0813 茨城県つくば市下平塚412-1 TEL:029-859-5555 認可保育園 しおどめ保育園稲城(定員150名) 〒206-0822 東京都稲城市坂浜3-33-1 TEL:,42-331-1888 認可保育園 ふれあいしおどめ保育園八潮(定員57名) 〒340-0815 埼玉県八潮市​八潮1-29-2 TEL:048-995-2800 小規模認可保育園 しおどめ保育園小規模認可(定員18名) 〒340-0813 埼玉県八潮市木曽根1097-2 TEL:048-998-6677 小規模認可保育園 しおどめ保育園京急蒲田駅前(定員18名) 〒144-0035 東京都大田区南蒲田1-1-17 2F TEL:03-6892-3030 小規模認可保育園 しおどめ保育園江戸川中央(定員19名) 〒132−0021 東京都江戸川区中央2-27-2 TEL03-3656-0788 小規模認可保育園 しおどめ保育園春日部(定員19名) 〒344-0054 埼玉県春日部市​浜川戸1-12-13 TEL:048-761-5533 小規模認可保育園 しおどめ保育園越谷(定員19名) 〒343-0823 埼玉県越谷市​相模町1-322-4 TEL:048-987-7070 小規模認可保育園 しおどめ保育園八潮茜町(定員18名) 〒340-0826 埼玉県八潮市​茜町1-10-4 TEL:048-998-3330 小規模認可保育園 しおどめ保育園久喜(定員19名) 〒340-0214 埼玉県久喜市​葛梅1-13-9 TEL:0480-57-1222 小規模認可保育園 しおどめ保育園三郷中央(定員19名) 〒341-0038 埼玉県三郷市​中央5-30-7 TEL:048-953-3355

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