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  • 【ふれあいしおどめ保育園】 ワクワク・ドキドキ・楽しさいっぱい!

    Fureaishi Odome Nursery School Facility introduction Overview of the garden a day in the garden Annual events access ホーム Fureai Odome Nursery School opened in Moriya City It is a licensed nursery school located 15 minutes on foot from Tsukuba Express Moriya Station. This is a two-story steel-framed nursery school surrounded by nature, next to the Moriya Post Office. The garden is entirely covered with natural grass. It is fully equipped with large playground equipment, a sandbox, and more. There is "Moriya Yacho no Michi" nearby, Kingfishers, gray-faced buzzards, variegated tit, and redstart... If you are lucky, you may also see goshawks. If you go a little further, there are forest parks and castle ruins parks, Here you will find a luxurious childcare environment surrounded by nature. [Virtual Garden Tour] Please take a look at the garden. SDGs 重要事項説明 NEWS news 2022.10.07 We have opened a "consultation salon for nursery teacher moms" for local residents and guardians of our 4- and 5-year-old children, with the aim of alleviating school anxiety. 2022.10.12 Our kindergarten teacher was featured in Moriya City's "Koho Moriya October issue"!! This is page 4-5. PDF version↓ Electronic version↓ our thoughts Childcare philosophy ● Cultivate the foundation for the ability to live better ● Raise children who live a vibrant and healthy life and live the future with confidence and motivation ● Protecting the best interests of children and aiming to nurture rich human beings through nature experiences and various activities suitable for infancy childcare policy ● Hoping for the healthy growth of children, we work hand in hand with families to promote childcare and strive to create a warm childcare environment where children can be left with peace of mind. ● We will strive to provide childcare that values the place where children grow up, such as wonders, discoveries, joy, impressions, and feelings of gratitude through hands-on experiences involving nature and the local community. ● Through interaction with many people such as friends and childcare workers, foster affection and trust for others, cultivate self-reliance, cooperative attitudes, and budding morality. ● Live with motivation, listen carefully, watch carefully, and think carefully. Facility introduction ▶︎ steel frame 2-story garden building. The first floor is for children aged 0 and 1, and the second floor is for children aged 2, 3, 4, and 5. ▶︎The lockers used every day are made by Gakken, emphasizing the ease of use for children. Designed to encourage independence as you age. ▶︎ 27 parking lots (including staff). Ample parking space can be used without feeling the stress of traffic jams and parking. ▶︎Install multiple security cameras inside and outside the park. It is safe because it is always recording. ▶︎OMOCHI is a bright red symbol that stands out in the garden. It is a toy made by Jaquetsu. The wooden house in the center is a small hideaway. Surrounded by trees and listening to the voices of wild birds, we have created an environment that nurtures the body and senses. Garden area 452.48㎡ Total floor area 534.20㎡ State of the garden 施設紹介 Overview of the garden typology Licensed nursery school ​ opening of the park October 1, 2020 Target age 0-year-old (57 days old) to pre-school Capacity 90 people 0 years old 9 people 12 1-year-old children 15 2 year olds 18 3-year-old children 18 4-year-old children 18 5 year olds Opening hours Mon-Fri 7:00-19:00 Sat 7: 00-18:30 ​ Childcare standard hours 7:00-19:00 Childcare Short Time 8:30〜16:30 ​ ​ Extended childcare Childcare standard hours Mon-Fri 18:01-19:00 Saturday 18:01-18:30 ​ Childcare Short Time Mon-Fri 7:00〜 8:29 16:31〜19:00 Saturday 7:00 to 8:29 16:31〜18:30 ​ ​ Closed day Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays (12/29-1/3) School lunch Complete school lunch (Monday-Saturday) a day in the garden * If you want to use extended childcare, you need to apply for [extension]. *Saturday childcare is available from 7:00 to 18:30. *Monthly: Birthday party, evacuation drill, body measurement, cooking/food education day (ages 3, 4, 5) * Twice a year: Internal medical examination, dental examination Annual events schedule 園の概要 園の1日 年間行事 access 741-17 Honmachi, Moriya City, Ibaraki Prefecture 302-0109 Tsukuba Express Moriya Station 15 minutes on foot アクセス Shiba Gakuen Fureaishi Odome Nursery School 741-17 Honmachi, Moriya City, Ibaraki Prefecture 302-0109 0297-45-2111 Inquiries by email List of newly opened gardens 姉妹法人【社会福祉法人雄雅会】サイト

  • 【しおどめ保育園八潮駅北】ワクワク・ドキドキの保育園です。

    Shiodome Nursery School North of Yashio Station → Access →Contact us ​ → access ​→About operation →Contact us ​ → access ​→About operation →Contact us Shiodome Nursery School Yashio Station North A licensed nursery school with a capacity of 70 children in Yashio City. Children are excited! Palpitate I am looking for childcare. お知らせ NEWS 2024.09.11 【2025年4月より就職を希望される方へ】来年度4月より本園に就職を希望される、興味があるといった学生及び保育経験者の方(転職)がおられましたら、是非、園の見学にいらしていただけると嬉しいです。お気軽にお電話下さい(^▽^)/お待ちしております! ​ 電話:048−995-2600 採用担当:廣川 2024.09.06 2025年度入園希望の方対象の、見学会を開始いたします。ご希望される方は事前にお電話にてご予約をお願いします。お待ちしております! 9月24日(火)10:00〜 10月1日(火)10:00〜 10月22日(火)10:00〜 電話受付:10:00〜15:00(平日) 048-995-2600 In order to improve the convenience of parents and the quality of childcare, we have introduced "Codmon" at this facility. Concept our thoughts eat well anything ​ cheerful child think for yourself ​Children willing to act Sensitive ​ kind child Overview Overview of the garden Category Authorized nursery school Location 438-1 Kisone, Yashio City, Saitama Prefecture 340-0813 Capacity 70 people 0 years old: 3 people, 1 year old: 6 people, 2 years old: 12 people 3 years old: 15 people, 4 years old: 17 people, 5 years old: 17 people Target age 0 years old to preschool Opening hours Mon-Fri 7:00-19:00 Sat 7:30-18:30 Closed Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays (12/29-1/3) [Extension time] Mon-Fri 18:01-19:00 [Usage fee] Monthly fee 1,500 yen Introduction Facility introduction 1F 2F A 10-minute walk from TX Yashio Station. It is characterized by its warm construction that makes you feel the warmth of wood. Be close to each other, We place great importance on creating a caring environment. ▼The Garden Activities attempt 戸外活動(散歩・泥んこ遊び) 戸外あそび・泥んこあそびを通じて想像力や社会性、生きる力を養っています。 食育活動(クッキング) クッキングを通して食に関する興味・関心を引き出し楽しくおいしさを感じながら感謝の心を育てています。 運動活動(体育指導) 3〜5歳:専任の体育講師による体育指導を月4回行います。 0〜2歳:保育士と共に、体を動かす事を楽しんでいます。 知育活動 年少児からワーク教材にて線描きや数字、ひらがななど就学に向けて積み重ねを大事に取り組んでいます。 音楽活動 年中児からピアニカを使い、音楽の楽しさ合奏する楽しさを味わいます。 One day How to spend the day Scheduled Annual event schedule アクセス Access access 438-1 Kisone, Yashio City, Saitama Prefecture Contact inquiry Mail by email inquiry phone 048-995-2600 Shiodome Nursery School North of Yashio Station 438-1 Kisone, Yashio City, Saitama Prefecture 340-0813 Instagram Back to school juridical person 姉妹法人【社会福祉法人雄雅会】サイト

  • 【しおどめ保育園つくば】 | 研究学園にあるワクワクドキドキする保育園です。

    Shiba Gakuen 姉妹法人【社会福祉法人雄雅会】サイト The park opened on April 1, 2021. A research school in Tsukuba City, which is developing remarkably Opened a licensed nursery school with a capacity of 90 children . In a new kindergarten building and a large garden Engage in bright, growing and fulfilling activities Support.For nature and local people We will try our best to be a friendly facility. our thoughts Nurture a rich heart and sensibility ・子どもの主体性を育てる保育 _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ ・Nursery that snuggles up to each child ・Childcare that supports the growth of children together with parents Childcare goals of Shiodome Nursery School Childcare policy of Shiodome Nursery School ・Kind and caring children ・Children who think for themselves ・ Bright and growing children Childcare Philosophy of Shiodome Nursery School 私たちの想い Facility introduction 17 minutes on foot from Kenkyugakuen Station on the Tsukuba Express. A two-story steel-framed kindergarten building was constructed in a large area east of Iias Tsukuba. The garden is 519.5 square meters, which is about the size of two tennis courts. *The parking lot considers safety , about half of the site is secured. * Doubles 261㎡ x 2 ​ 1st floor (Entrance, office, kitchen, 1-year-old childcare room, game room, etc.) Second floor (Nursery room for children aged 2 to 5, toilets, warehouses, etc.) Site plan State of the garden ▶︎ 施設紹介 Overview of the garden typology ​ Target age Capacity ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Opening hours Extended childcare Closed day School lunch Licensed nursery school 1 year old to preschool 90 people 12 1-year-old children 2 years old 18 people 20 3-year-old children 20 4-year-old children 20 5 year olds Mon-Fri 7:30-19:30 Saturday 7:30-18:30 ​ 18:30〜19:30 ​ Sundays, public holidays, year-end and New Year holidays (12/29-1/3) Complete school lunch (Monday-Saturday) 園の概要 a day in the garden * If you want to use extended childcare, you need to apply for [extension]. 園の1日 Annual events Other Nursery school visits*, personal interviews* Monthly events Evacuation drills, body measurements Planned recital (ages 4 and 5)*, parent-child excursion (ages 5 or 4 and 5)*, play with couplers (ages 3-5) *Parent participation 年間行事 temporary storage Shiodome Nursery School Tsukuba operates a temporary custody business. (for preschool children) We will support childcare at home by implementing temporary custody projects such as employment support for at-home childcare families and ensuring refreshment time for guardians. In addition, we are working to create an environment where children can spend time with peace of mind in an unfamiliar environment. ■Usage fee 1 hour 300 yen School lunch 250 yen Snack 50 yen Learn more 一時預かり Various documents download Registration for kindergarten (for parents) Registration for kindergarten (for medical institutions) Medication contact form (dose medicine) Medication contact form (oral medicine) Medication contact form (External medicine) Medication contact form (Ointment) Documents necessary for using the nursery school can be downloaded from the website in addition to being handed out at the nursery school. Please fill in the necessary information and submit it by the following method. ● Print it out and bring it directly to the nursery school ​ ● Attach data to e-mail ダウンロード MAP ACCESS 412-1 Shimohiratsuka, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 305-0813 Tsukuba Express Kenkyugakuen Station 18 minutes on foot Shiba Gakuen 412-1 Shimohiratsuka, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 305-0813 Shiodome Nursery School Tsukuba List of facilities 029-859-5555 Inquiries by email 姉妹法人【社会福祉法人雄雅会】サイト

  • 【しおどめ保育園京急蒲田駅前】楽しさいっぱい駅近小規模認可保育園

    O verview Facility Daily Schedule Annual Calender Access Location ​ route navi Licensed Small Nursery School in Ota Ward Shiodome Nursery School (Keikyu Kamata Ekimae) Shiodome Nursery School (Keikyu Kamata Ekimae) is a small licensed nursery school with a capacity for 18 children. Small size allows the nursery to provide warm and at-home atmosphere, and with full staff oversight over the children. 重要事項説明書 トップ NEWS 2024.09.10 新卒の方の園見学受け付けています。詳しくは直接園までお問い合わせください。 Started our blog. Visit the blog to learn our activities at the nursery! For convenience of parents and to improve the quality of our childcare, we have introduced "Codmon" application for smartphones "I love to exercise my body!"Healthy kids with full of smile "I love my friends!" Kind and caring kids Kids building confidence by going through various experiences "I love to eat!"Kids learning about food and enjoy eating. our thoughts ● We respect and cherish the individuality, independence, and human rights of each child. ​ ​ ● We will create a safe and secure environment to allow children to go through their critical stage of growth carefree. ● We will communicate with parents on a daily basis, build a solid relationship of trust, share joy in the growth of their children, and work together on any concern if needed while working to support parents and their work. 園の概要 Overview Location: 1-1-17 Minami-kamata, Ota-ku, Tokyo (2nd Floor) Nusery name: Shiodome nursery school - Keikyu Kamata Ekimae Type: Small size nursery school - Type A Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 7:30-19:30 Extended childcare: Monday-Saturday 18:31-19:30 Closed: Sundays, national holidays, New Year holidays (December 29th to January 3rd) Capacity: 1 year old: 9 children 2 year old: 9 children Total 18 children (may change slightly) School lunch: Complete school lunch (Monday-Saturday) しせつあんない Facility information Shiodome Nursery School (Keikyu Kamata Ekimae) is located just across the deck from the east exit of Keikyu Kamata Station, where elevated construction has just been completed. A bright room with plenty of sunlight in the morning. Although it is a small facility, the garden is filled with children's smiles and laughter every day. Entrance office toilet room-2 room-1 Kitchen room View of the nursery ▼ 園での過ごし方 Daily Schedule 7:30 Nursery opens • Visually observe children • Get organized for the day ​ 9:15 Snack time! ​ 10:00 Various activities are planned for the day • Play outdoor • Walking • Drawing • Exercise • Role playing • etc. ​ 11:00 Preparation for lunch, Warm homemade school lunch will be served. ​ 12:00 Nap time ​ ​ 14:30 Wake up time ​ ​ 15:00 Snack time ​ 16:00 Time to be picked-up Children with extended program will continue to have fun with variety of activities (blocks, drawings, clay, play house, etc.) 年間行事予定 Annual Calender Entrance ceremony children's Day Celebration ​Individual interview Tanabata Celebration Water Fun Day Summer Festival Full Moon Celebration Halloween Fun with Parents ​Christmas Party New Year Fun Setsubun Celebration Girl's Day Celebration Excursion with Parents access 2F, 1-1-17 Minami-Kamata, Ota-ku, Tokyo 144-0035 Route Navigation Please take a look at the way from the east exit ticket gate of Keikyu Kamata Station to the Nursery! アクセス といあわせ Inquiries and nursery tour Tours: Accepting at any time. Advance reservation is required, so please let us know your desired date and time by phone. Hours are 9:30am-10:30am or 3:30pm-4:30pm phone 03-6892-3030 Mail email You can also learn about our nursery on Instagram. NAVI Shiba Gakuen Shiodome Nursery School (Keikyu Kamata Ekimae) 03-6892-3030 S-time 2F, 1-1-17 Minamikamata, Ota-ku, Tokyo 144-0035 姉妹法人【社会福祉法人雄雅会】サイト Scroll

  • 【しおどめ保育園越谷】 ウキウキワクワクするような保育園

    Shiba Gakuen 姉妹法人【社会福祉法人雄雅会】サイト Shiodome Nursery Koshigaya ​A place to relax after home A place where you can feel at ease exciting place Aiming for ​ News Notice 2022.11.30 Homepage has been renewed! 2024.04.01 普段の活動の様子はインスタグラムで配信中です! 2021 Saitama Prefecture's "Third Party Evaluation of Welfare Services" I received For the convenience of parents I am using Kodomon. ​ Communication is easy with a smartphone. to move your body I love you! healthy and smiling full of children our thoughts I love my friends! kind and caring a child everything let's try it! through various experiences ​ confident child I love to eat! interested in food to eat ​enjoyable children Overview of the garden Facility name Shiodome Nursery School Koshigaya Type Small-scale childcare business type A Opening Hours Mon-Fri   7:00〜19:00 Saturday 7:30-18:30 Closed Sundays, national holidays, Year-end and New Year holidays (December 29-January 3) Capacity 1 year old: 10 people 2 year old: 9 people 19 people in total (Based on the situation, the 0-year-old class is suspended as a flexible operation) Full lunch (Monday-Saturday) ​6 parking spaces Extended childcare ● Childcare standard time certified person (250 yen / 1 time) Monday-Friday: 7:00-7:30, 18:30-19:00 If you are certified for short-time childcare ( 250 yen/once) Monday-Friday: 7:00-7:30, 17:30-18:30, 18:30-19:00 延長保育料(月〜金) Facility introduction a day in the garden Annual event schedule Doll Festival Cherry blossom viewing walk children's day gathering Tanabata playing in the water 15th night gathering autumn excursion Parent and child contact party (social gathering) Christmas party Old time play sowing beans access inquiry by email inquiry Mail phone 048-987-7070 1-322-4 Sagamicho, Koshigaya City, Saitama Prefecture 343-0823 Shiodome Nursery Koshigaya Instagram Please refer to the Koshigaya City website for information on how to apply for admission and childcare fees. Koshigaya Parenting Net Back to school juridical person 姉妹法人【社会福祉法人雄雅会】サイト

  • しおどめ保育園春日部 | 春日部市八木崎の認可保育園

    学校法人柴学園 園の概要 施設案内 園での過ごし方 年間行事予定 Location Phone Welcome to the page of Shiodome nursery school Kasukabe. We are near Yagizaki Station in Kasukabe City, This is a licensed nursery school with a capacity of 19 children operated by Shiba Gakuen. お知らせ 2024.08.30 活動の様子をアップしました! 8月・食育「スイカ」№1/食育「スイカ」№2/泡遊び/食育「ピーマン」 8月のぴよぴよ教室 7月・泥んこ遊び/水遊び開き/七夕の集い/夏祭り/食育「トマト」 7月のぴよぴよ教室 6月・歯科検診/食育「そら豆」 6月のぴよぴよ教室 5月・子どもの集い/内科検診/食育 5月のぴよぴよ教室 4月・入園式/進級式/お花見お散歩/食育「キャベツ」/クレヨンしんちゃんのイベント 3月・ひな祭り/お買い物ごっこ/スーパーベルクへ買い物/ひよこ組/うさぎ組/ぱんだ組/お別れ会/卒園式 2月・豆まき/2歳児発表会/0.1歳児発表会/食育「ブロッコリー」 1月・初詣/昔遊び/ぴよぴよ教室参加/食育 12月・食育「みかん」/Xmas会/大掃除 11月・七五三/水消火器訓練/消防車見学/きのこ栽培/食育「お米」 10月・運動会/秋の遠足/食育「大豆」/ハロウィン 第三者評価とは? 社会福祉事業の経営者の提供するサービスの質を当事者(事業者及び利用者)以外の公正・中立な第三者機関が、専門的かつ客観的な立場から評価するものです。 9月・防災の日/食育(バナナ)/お月見会 8月・水遊び/室内遊び/昆虫体験/食育(すいか) 8月の子育て支援「ぴよぴよ教室 水遊び編 」 7月・水遊び/参観日/夏祭り/食育/寒天遊び 6月 ・歯科検診/八百屋さんごっこ/昆布出汁/泥んこ遊び 5月 ・食育「にんじん」/内科検診/いちご狩り 4月 ・入園式/進級式/食育「キャベツ」/子どもの集い わたしたちの想い すべての子どもには、無限の可能性があります。 私たちはそれを引き出し自ら伸びる力を育みます。 私たちは、子育てに頑張る保護者の方に 寄り添い支援していきます。 to move your body I love you! healthy and smiling full of children to move your body I love you! healthy and smiling full of children to move your body I love you! healthy and smiling full of children 園の概要 施設名 しおどめ保育園春日部 類型 小規模保育事業A型(認可) 所在地 〒344-0054 埼玉県春日部市浜川戸1-12-13 定員 19名(0歳=3名 1歳=8名 2歳=8名) 対象年齢 0歳児(生後2ヶ月)~2歳児 開園時間 平日 7:00~19:00 土曜 7:30~18:30 休園日 日・祝日・年末年始(12月29日~1月3日) 駐車場 3台 ​給食 完全給食(月〜土) 連携園 認定こども園春日部幼稚園 概要 施設案内 施設案内 園での過ごし方 園での過ごし方 年間行事予定 アクセス 〒344-0054 埼玉県春日部市浜川戸1-12-13 アクセス Please feel free to contact us and visit us. Inquiries and garden visit reception Reception hours 9:00-17:00 (Mon-Sat) 048-998-6677 Inquiries by email 学校法人柴学園 しおどめ保育園 春日部 〒344-0054 埼玉県春日部市浜川戸1-12-13 姉妹法人【社会福祉法人雄雅会】サイト

  • ふれあいしおどめ保育園八潮 | 柴学園

    ふれあいしおどめ 保育園八潮 学校法人柴学園 園見学について (新卒・中途採用はこちら) 園見学について (保護者様はこちら) 園ブログ 園の概要 園での生活 年間行事 アクセス 園での1日 採用情報 法人サイト Instagram NEWS お知らせ 2024.09.11 【2025年4月より就職を希望される方へ】来年度4月より就職を希望される、または興味があるといった学生及び保育経験者の方(転職)がおられましたら、是非、園の見学にいらしていただけると幸いです。お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。 2024.09.06 ふれあいしおどめ保育園八潮のサイトをリニューアルしました。皆様により分かりやすく情報をお伝えできるよう、コンテンツの充実に努め、園や子ども、職員の様子を発信してまいります。 園ブログ 園ブログ BLOG No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. 園の概要 園の概要 施設名 ふれあいしおどめ保育園八潮 所在地 〒340-0815 埼玉県八潮市八潮1-29-2 ​ 定員 57名 0歳: 3名 1歳: 6名 2歳:12名 3歳:12名 4歳:12名 5歳:12名 ​ 開園時間 月〜金:7:30〜19:30 土曜日:7:30〜18:30 ​ ​ 延長保育 月〜金:18:31〜19:30 休園日 日・祝日・年末年始(12月29日~1月3日) ​ 給食 完全給食(月〜土) 園での1日 園での1日 ご家庭と園の情報共有により、子どもの体調や状況に応じて対応していきます。一人ひとりの子どもが、自分でやってみたいと思うことに挑戦できるような保育環境を整え、異年齢で過ごすことで、子ども一人ひとりの習熟を促し、個々や集団での活動を計画していきます。 0〜2歳児 3〜5歳児 園での生活 園での生活 年間行事 行事によって季節を感じ、こころの成長に貢献します 年間行事 入園式 個別面談 ドメヲまつり スイカ割り 運動会 遠足 保育参観 節分の集い 作品展 採用情報 RECRUIT 柴学園では一緒に働く仲間を 募集しています。 詳しくはこちら アクセス アクセス 認可保育園 ふれあいしおどめ保育園八潮 〒340-0815 埼玉県八潮市八潮1-29-2 048-995-2800 Phone Mail メールでのお問い合わせ FOLLOW US 施設のご紹介 認定こども園 しおどめの森 しおどめ保育園 八潮駅北 しおどめ保育園 小規模認可 しおどめ保育園 春日部 しおどめ保育園 越谷 しおどめ保育園 八潮茜町 しおどめ保育園 久喜 しおどめ保育園 三郷中央 ふれあいしおどめ保育園八潮 しおどめ保育園 京急蒲田駅前 しおどめ保育園 江戸川中央 しおどめ保育園 稲城 しおどめ保育園 つくば ふれあいしおどめ保育園 学校法人 柴学園 法人本部 〒340-0813 埼玉県八潮市木曽根1079-2 TEL:048-997-8000 FAX:048-997-8006 事務局 〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座8-15-6 2F TEL:03-6859-2288 FAX:03-6859-5588 姉妹法人:社会福祉法人雄雅会 © Copyright

  • 1日の流れ | 柴学園

    1日の流れ 園により異なります。 早番 6:45 【勤務開始・開園準備】 前日の洗濯物を畳んだり消毒している玩具を棚に戻します。保育室を換気して、園児受け入れの準備をし、受け入れ時に保護者に聞き取ることがないか確認します。(外科や提出物など) 7:00 【登園開始】 登園してきた園児を受け入れます。体調が悪くないか等、保護者と確認します。 9:00 【出席確認・朝の会】 出席確認をし、厨房に食事、おやつの数を伝えます。保護者からの申し送りや、当日の行事など、全体で周知が必要なことを、園長、主任等と共有します。 13:00 【休憩】 1時間休憩します。 11:30 【昼食】 園児とご飯を食べます。意欲的に楽しく食べられるように配慮しています。必要な時には先生が食事をフォローします。 12:00 【午睡準備】 昼食が終了した後、着替えや午睡をする園児のフォローをします。 12:30 【午睡見守り】 午睡をする園児の見守り。乳幼児突然死症候群(SIDS)が起きないよう。SIDSチェックは欠かせません。 15:00 【目覚め】 午睡をしている園児を起こし、おやつに促します。連絡帳等の記入漏れながないか確認します。 16:00 【勤務終了】 午睡をしている園児を起こし、おやつに促します。連絡帳等の記入漏れながないか確認します。 通常勤務 9:00 【勤務開始】 朝の受入時の情報や、現在の子どもの姿や職員の動きを確認します。 早番と朝の受入れを交代します。 12:00 【昼食】 園児とご飯を食べます。意欲的に楽しく食べられるように配慮しています。必要な時には先生が食事をフォローします。 13:00 【休憩】 1時間休憩します。 14:00 【午睡見守り】 午睡をする園児の見守り。乳幼児突然死症候群(SIDS)が起きないよう。SIDSチェックは欠かせません。 15:00 【おやつ】 午睡をしている園児を起こし、おやつに促します。連絡帳等の記入漏れながないか確認します。 17:00 【降園】 お迎えが多い時間は17時~18時になります。当日の外科や汚れものなどの伝えなければいけないこと以外にも、楽しく遊んでいたことを伝え、保護者とコミュニケーションが取れる時間です。 18:00 【勤務終了】 延長番の保育士に引き継ぐことがあれば伝えます。 遅番 9:30 【勤務開始】 朝の受入時の情報や、現在の子どもの姿や職員の動きを確認した後、昼食の準備をします。厨房に取りに行くときは、アレルギーや食事形態の違いがないか複数人で確認をします。 12:00 【昼食】 園児とご飯を食べます。意欲的に楽しく食べられるように配慮しています。必要な時には先生が食事をフォローします。 12:30 【午睡見守り】 午睡をする園児の見守り。乳幼児突然死症候群(SIDS)が起きないよう。SIDSチェックは欠かせません。 15:00 【休憩】 1時間休憩します。 16:00 【延長確認】 ICTを活用して、延長保育を利用する園児の確認をします。 18:00 【延長保育】 補食を食べます。 18:30 【閉園作業】 ゴミ捨てや食器の片付け、洗濯をします。次の日の早番に引き継ぐことをしっかりと準備します。 18:15 【勤務終了】 戸締まりをして帰宅します。

  • 調理スタッフ募集 | ふれあいしおどめ保育園

    Shall we work together? nutritionist cook of We are hiring! nutritionist/cook We are recruiting! My job is to support the children who will lead the next generation from the aspect of food. We would like to ask you to support regular employment nutritionists and work in general school lunch cooking with cooks. From the perspective of food that makes children smile, food education with nursery teachers ♪ We are looking for people who cherish their colleagues and can work in a friendly and fun way. Application Requirements Registered dietician/nutritionist/cook Employment form Part-timer Necessary qualifications No qualifications required / Nice to have Job Description Dietitian work in general Salary nutritionist Part: Hourly wage 1,050 yen ~ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Unqualified cook part: 950 yen to hourly wage 4 months trial period (no change in conditions) ​ Transportation expensesUp to 45,000 yen per month _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ (Paid when commuting distance is 2 km or more) _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Commutable by car Working hours Dietitian part: Between 8:30 and 17:30 About 6 hours or more than 6 hours _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Cook part: 18:30 out of 18:30 5 hours _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ *Can work fixed hours _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ *6 hours of actual work and 45 breaks _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 実働8時間で休憩60分 _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ *Saturday work shift system about once a month holiday Sundays and public holidays, Summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays 125 days off per year _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Part: Legal annual paid leave granted Enrollment insurance Employment insurance, industrial accident insurance, Health insurance, welfare pension Retirement plan: Yes, more than 1 year of service (Regular employee) Retirement age up to 70 years old ​ 栄養士フォーム Please feel free to contact us! Shiba Gakuen Fureaishi Odome Nursery School 741-17 Honmachi, Moriya City, Ibaraki Prefecture 302-0109 0297-45-2111 return

  • 【つくば市保育士求人】しおどめ保育園つくば

    Shiodome Nursery School Tsukuba Application Requirements Looking for nursery teacher part! Would you like to work at Shiodome Nursery School Tsukuba? Shiodome Nursery School Tsukuba, a licensed nursery school opened in April 2021, aims to foster independence and consideration for others, and practice childcare that is close to each child. We are currently looking for nursery staff to work with us. Able to work 3 days a week, 4 hours or more per day. Please feel free to ask us about our working hours. If you are qualified as a nursery teacher, no experience is required to apply. We welcome both those who want to make use of the experience they have cultivated so far and those who have no practical experience yet. Let's work together to create a place where we can support the growth of children! We are waiting for you to carefully observe the development of children and provide warm childcare. Would you like to aim for a garden full of smiles with us? ★ No experience required ★ Working from 3 days a week OK Kindergarten teacher Employment form Part-timer Required qualifications If you have a nursery teacher qualification No age or experience required Job Description Childcare at a licensed nursery school Salary Hourly wage 1,100 Circle~1,150 yen 4 months trial period (no change in conditions) Transportation expensesCommuting allowance up to 45,000 yen per month Commuting by car OK Working hours Work only in the morning work only in the afternoon almost no overtime 4 hours or more from 7:30 or 4 hours or more until 19:30 Work hours negotiable at 60 minutes break for those who work more than 6 hours (Breaks are granted as required by law) *No overtime shift system Sundays and public holidays (more than 125 days off per year) Long vacation/special vacation Summer vacation New Year holiday Annual paid leave is granted as required by law ​ 保育士 Inquiry form name Furigana email address phone number If you have any questions or requests, please let us know. Send Thank you for sending Please feel free to contact us! 412-1 Shimohiratsuka, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 305-0813 Shiodome Nursery School Tsukuba Shiba Gakuen 029-859-5555 return

  • ワークショップ | しおどめ保育園稲城

    workshop square ​ ~Party Lesson~ Workshops for adults: Party lessons (let's make party goods), with themes ranging from Halloween to Christmas. Ms. Miki Osawa, an anniversary planner, will be the instructor, and let's make a wonderful paper fan, ribbon garland, etc. together! ​On the day, children will be in a separate room. Hiroba staff will keep it for you. *October 20th (Thursday) 10:00-11:30 *Shiodome nursery school * Reservation required (6 pairs of parents and children) * Participation fee (including material cost) 500 yen ~ Creator work collection ~ Examples of Osawa's work 1/1 Lecturer introduction Instagram Miki Osawa ●Anniversary Planner Association certified planner. Based on the concept of "making the anniversary that everyone visits memorable...", we will help you create a party full of smiles. We also handle decorations for party lessons, baby showers, and seasonal events. return

  • 【しおどめ保育園春日部】 | 埼玉県の福祉サービス第三者評価を受審

    Shiodome Nursery Koshigaya Saitama Prefecture's "Third Party Evaluation of Welfare Services" I received 第三者評価とは? 社会福祉事業の事業者の提供する事業の質を当事者(事業者及び利用者)以外の公正・中立な第三者機関が、専門的かつ客観的な立場から、埼玉県の評価基準により評価するものです。この度、しおどめ保育園春日部は第三者評価を受けました。 どんな効果があるの? 自らが提供する保育の質について、改善すべき点が明らかになります。保育の質の向上に向けた取組の具体的な目標設定が可能です。第三者評価を受ける過程で、職員の気づき、改善意欲の醸成、諸課題の共有化利用者からの信頼の獲得などが図られます。 Click here for the contents of the evaluation Details of evaluation results ■ Welfare service third-party evaluation questionnaire results by users Shiodome Nursery School Koshigaya will continue to work together with parents and the local community to actively improve quality and strive to further improve quality. ​ ​ Shiba Gakuen Shiodome Nursery School Koshigaya

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